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Karma A simple tool that allows you to execute JavaScript code in multiple real browsers. The main purpose of Karma is to make your test-driven development easy, fast, and fun. Help and Support For questions and support please use the mailing list or Gitter. The issue tracker is for bug reports and feature discussions only. Obligatory documentation Quick questions: Longer questions: Mailing List Bug reports Issue Tracker Everything less than 140 characters: @JsKarma on Twitter When should I use Karma?
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title: Lapis Console Lapis Console Lapis Console is a separate project that adds an interactive console to your web application. Because Lapis runs inside of the Nginx loop, it’s not trivial to make a standard terminal based console that behaves the same way as the web application. So a console that runs inside of your browser was created, letting you reliably execute code in the same way as your web application when debugging.
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title: Database Access Database Access Lapis comes with a set of classes and functions for working with PostgreSQL. In the future other databases will be directly supported. In the meantime you’re free to use other OpenResty database drivers, you just won’t have access to Lapis’ query API. Every query is performed asynchronously through the OpenResty cosocket API. A request will yield and resume automatically so there’s no need to code with callbacks, queries can be written sequentially as if they were in a synchronous environment.
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ssh ssh 绝对不不仅仅是类似 telnet 这样远程登录管理主机那么简单。下面的些 技巧,或许可以激发起你对这个「老朋友」重新认识的兴趣。 有部分内容来自: ssh setting 。 直接指定运行远程主机的命令 ssh 其实可以直接指定运行远程主机的命令。例如,每次登录并查看线上的日志是件非常繁琐的累活。其实你可以使用下面的命令 ssh user@remotehost "taif -f /var/log/apache/access.log" 它会 ssh 登录以后直接执行指定的命令。这样我们可以构建本地脚本让其接受远程服务器的输出,做更多的事情。 不想开启 SFTP 工具传送文件 有时候不想开启 SFTP 工具传送文件,那么下面的命令会帮到你 tar cvfz - localFileOrDir | ssh user@remotehost 'cd /remote/path/to/unpack/ ; tar xvfz -' 这个命令可以自动将本地的文件或者目录打包压缩以后,通过 ssh 传输到 remotehost 主机,然后 remotehost 会自动将其解压缩。 不用每次都要输入密码 最后个 ssh 技巧,上面的技巧的确是很实用,但是我们也受不了每次都要输入次密码。如果你的确厌烦了这些,那么尝试执行下面的命令: ssh user@remotehost 'cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys' < ~/.ssh/ 这样远程的主机就会保存你本地的公钥,你就可以自动 ssh 登录远程主机( 详细 )。 ssh-copyid user@remotehost 顺便提醒:强烈提醒您保护好您主目录下的 ssh 私钥,否则您的帐户可能会面临风险。 进行端口的转发 将远程3128转到本地的8086
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