title: Lua Configuration Syntax Lua Configuration Syntax Configuration Example Lapis’ configuration module gives you support for merging tables recursively. For example we might define a base configuration, then override some values in the more specific configuration declarations: -- config.moon local config = require("lapis.config") config({"development", "production"}, { host = "", email_enabled = false, postgres = { host = "localhost", port = "5432", database = "my_app" } }) config("production", { email_enabled = false, postgres = { database = "my_app_prod" } }) This results in the following two configurations (default values omitted):
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title: Creating a Lapis Application with Lua Creating a Lapis Application with Lua Generating a New Project If you haven’t already, read through the generic getting started guide for information on creating a new project skeleton along with details on OpenResty, Nginx configurations, and the lapis command. You can start a new Lua project in the current directory by running the following command: $ lapis new --lua The default nginx.conf reads a file called app.
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title: Creating a Lapis Application with MoonScript Creating a Lapis Application with MoonScript Creating a Basic Application You can start a new MoonScript project in the current directory by running the following command: $ lapis new This provides us with a default Nginx configuration, nginx.conf, and a skeleton application, app.moon. The skeleton application looks like this: -- app.moon lapis = require "lapis" class extends lapis.Application "/": => "Welcome to Lapis #{require "lapis.
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