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New tab functions

21.17 Tab Bars


M-x tab-bar-mode.

This command applies to all frames, including frames yet to be created. To control the use of tab bars at startup, customize the variable tab-bar-mode.


C-x t 2

Add a new tab (tab-new). You can control the choice of the buffer displayed in a new tab by customizing the variable tab-bar-new-tab-choice.


C-x t b bufname RET

Select buffer bufname in another tab. This runs switch-to-buffer-other-tab.


C-x t f filename RET

Visit file filename and select its buffer in another tab. This runs find-file-other-tab. See Visiting.


C-x t d directory RET

Select a Dired buffer for directory directory in another tab. This runs dired-other-tab. See Dired.

By default, a new tab starts with the buffer that was current before calling the command that adds a new tab. To start a new tab with other buffers, customize the variable tab-bar-new-tab-choice.

The variable tab-bar-new-tab-to defines where to place a new tab. By default, a new tab is added on the right side of the current tab.

The following commands can be used to delete tabs:


C-x t 0

Close the selected tab (tab-close). It has no effect if there is only one tab, unless the variable tab-bar-close-last-tab-choice is customized to a non-default value.


C-x t 1

Close all tabs on the selected frame, except the selected one.

The variable tab-bar-close-tab-select defines what tab to select after closing the current tab. By default, it selects a recently used tab.

The command tab-undo restores the last closed tab.

The following commands can be used to switch between tabs:


C-x t o


Switch to the next tab. If you repeat this command, it cycles through all the tabs on the selected frame. With a positive numeric argument n, it switches to the next nth tab; with a negative argument -n, it switches back to the previous nth tab.



Switch to the previous tab. With a positive numeric argument n, it switches to the previous nth tab; with a negative argument -n, it switches back to the next nth tab.


C-x t RET tabname RET

Switch to the tab by its name, with completion on all tab names. Default values are tab names sorted by recency, so you can use M-n (next-history-element) to get the name of the last visited tab, the second last, and so on.


Switch to the tab by its number. After customizing the variable tab-bar-select-tab-modifiers to specify a modifier key, you can select a tab by its ordinal number using the specified modifier in combination with the tab number to select. To display the tab number alongside the tab name, you can customize another variable tab-bar-tab-hints. This will help you to decide what key to press to select the tab by its number.


Switch to the recent tab. The key combination is the modifier key defined by tab-bar-select-tab-modifiers and the key 0. With a numeric argument n, switch to the nth recent tab.

The following commands can be used to operate on tabs:


C-x t r tabname RET

Rename the current tab to tabname. You can control the programmatic name given to a tab by default by customizing the variable tab-bar-tab-name-function.


C-x t m

Move the current tab n positions to the right with a positive numeric argument n. With a negative argument -n, move the current tab n positions to the left.

You can enable tab-bar-history-mode to remember window configurations used in every tab, and restore them.


Restore a previous window configuration used in the current tab. This navigates back in the history of window configurations.


Cancel restoration of the previous window configuration. This navigates forward in the history of window configurations.