Update to debian 11
Updating debian 11 bullseys⌗
Install the gnome
Prefer the exwm
as windows manager⌗
Modulize evil.emacs.d settings⌗
Installed all-the-icons
from doom
and now works!⌗
Persist xterm
xrdb -merge .Xdefaults
Snapshot and Print Screen⌗
<WIN> + <Print>
qutebrowser quickstart⌗
To go to a new webpage, press o, then type a url, then press Enter (Use O to open the url in a new tab, go to edit the current URL)
If what you’ve typed isn’t a url, then a search engine will be used instead (DuckDuckGo, by default)
To switch between tabs, use J (next tab) and K (previous tab), or press , where num is the position of the tab to switch to
To close the current tab, press d (and press u to undo closing a tab)
Use H and L to go back and forth in the history
To click on something without using the mouse, press f to show the hints, then type the keys next to what you want to click on (if that sounds weird, then just try pressing f and see what happens)
Press : to show the commandline
To search in a page, press /, type the phrase to search for, then press Enter. Use n and N to go back and forth through the matches, and press Esc to stop doing the search.
To close qutebrowser, press Alt-F4, or :q, or :wq to save the currently open tabs and quit (note that in the settings you can make qutebrowser always save the currently open tabs)