Some helpers to avoid repeating time

(defun +git-push(dir)
  "Run git push in a specific directory"
  (with-dir dir
            (shell-command "git add .")
            (--> (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M" (current-time))
                 (concat "git commit -m \"" it "\"")
                 (shell-command it))
            (shell-command "git push")))

;;; git sync
(defun +git-pull(dir)
  "Run git push in a specific directory"
  (with-dir dir
            (shell-command "git pull")))

(+general-global-menu! "file" "f"
  "f" '(:ignore t :which-key "find file")
  "S" '((lambda () (interactive)
	    (+git-push "~/EnvSetup")
	    (+git-push "~/.scratch.emacs.d")
	    (+git-push "~/.evil.emacs.d")
	    (+git-push "~/org")
	    )) :which-key "push fundamental repos")
  "s" '((lambda () (interactive)
	    (+git-pull "~/EnvSetup")
	    (+git-pull "~/.scratch.emacs.d")
	    (+git-pull "~/.evil.emacs.d")
	    (+git-pull "~/org")
	    )) :which-key "pull fundamental repos"))

elcrafter.el solution

[新事件] Colleegues’s TV show has good feedback in wechat group!

Installing debian in my SSD fails

[BUG] Maybe the network problem or just the cable problem

[BUG] Boot from grub4dos from debian/vmliuz.xxxxxx-xxxxx-amd failed!

[BUG] Boot from grub4dos from hdmedia/vmliuz failed!

[BUG] debootstrap with /mnt/sda3 also failed!

[已修复] Solution:

  1. Boot the native debian from /dev/sdb8

  2. Using chroot to /dev/sda3 and you can get wireless support form host

mount /dev/sda3 /mnt/sda3
mount -t bind /proc /proc
mount -t bind /dev /dev
sudo chroot /mnt/sda3 /bin/bash