Start the Hugo
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle yes
(defun find-blog-dir ()
"Open hugo blog files"
(find-file "~/Dropbox/")
(defun blog-deploy ()
"Run hugo and push changes upstream."
(with-dir blog-public-dir
(shell-command "git rm -rf .")
(shell-command "git clean -fxd")
(with-temp-file "CNAME"
(insert "\spacemacs"))
(with-dir blog-dir (->> blog-public-dir
(concat "hugo -d ")
(shell-command "git add .")
(--> (current-time-string)
(concat "git commit -m \"" it "\"")
(shell-command it))
(magit-push-current-to-upstream nil)))
(defun blog-start-server ()
"Run hugo server if not already running and open its webpage."
(with-dir blog-dir
(unless (get-process blog-hugo-process)
(start-process blog-hugo-process nil "hugo" "server"))
(browse-url blog-hugo-server-site)))
(defun blog-end-server ()
"End hugo server process if running."
(--when-let (get-process blog-hugo-process)
(delete-process it)))
;;; Bindings
"ab" 'blog-deploy
"aa" 'blog-start-server
"ae" 'blog-end-server)
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