title: Clojure is great


define functions

A function can take arguments

A function can have comments as doc

A function will return the last statement

(defn hello [arg1 arg2]
  "This is my playground of clojure"
  (println (str "Multiple " arg1 "*" arg2))
  (println "=")
  (def mul (* arg1 arg2))
  (println mul)

(defn factional [n]
  (reduce * (range 1 (inc n))))

(println (factional 3))

Discrimination of elements in a list

  • inc n : Increase the number by 1

  • range 1 n Range start from 1

  • reduce action list:Apply the action the first and second element of a list, reducing into a new element as the head of a list. And do the same through the whole list.