title: Database Access

Database Access

Lapis comes with a set of classes and functions for working with PostgreSQL. In the future other databases will be directly supported. In the meantime you’re free to use other OpenResty database drivers, you just won’t have access to Lapis’ query API.

Every query is performed asynchronously through the OpenResty cosocket API. A request will yield and resume automatically so there’s no need to code with callbacks, queries can be written sequentially as if they were in a synchronous environment. Additionally connections to the server are automatically pooled for optimal performance.

pgmoon is the driver used in Lapis for communicating with PostgreSQL. It has the advantage of being able to be used within OpenResty’s cosocket API in addition to on the command line using LuaSocket’s synchronous API.

Establishing A Connection

The first step is to define the configuration for our server in the postgres block in our config.moonconfig.lua file.

-- config.lua
config("development", {
  postgres = {
    backend = "pgmoon",
    host = "",
    user = "pg_user",
    password = "the_password",
    database = "my_database"
-- config.moon
config "development", ->
  postgres ->
    backend "pgmoon"
    host ""
    user "pg_user"
    password "the_password"
    database "my_database"

host defaults to and user defaults to postgres, so you can leave those fields out if they aren’t different from the defaults. If a non-default port is required it can be appended to the host with colon syntax: my_host:1234 (Otherwise 5432, the PostgreSQL default, is used).

You’re now ready to start making queries.

Making a Query

There are two ways to make queries:

  1. The raw query interface is a collection of functions to help you write SQL.
  2. The Model class is a wrapper around a Lua table that helps you synchronize it with a row in a database table.

The Model class is the preferred way to interact with the database. The raw query interface is for achieving things the Model class in unable to do easily.

Here’s an example of the raw query interface:

local lapis = require("lapis")
local db = require("lapis.db")

local app = lapis.Application()

app:match("/", function()
  local res = db.query("select * from my_table where id = ?", 10)
  return "ok!"
lapis = require "lapis"
db = require "lapis.db"

class extends lapis.Application
  "/": =>
    res = db.query "select * from my_table where id = ?", 10

And the same query represented with the Model class:

local lapis = require("lapis")
local Model = require("lapis.db.model").Model

local app = lapis.Application()

local MyTable = Model:extend("my_table")

app:match("/", function()
  local row = MyTable:find(10)
  return "ok!"
lapis = require "lapis"
import Model from require "lapis.db.model"

class MyTable extends Model

class extends lapis.Application
  "/": =>
    --row = MyTable\find 10-->

By default all queries will log to the Nginx notice log. You’ll be able to see each query as it happens.

Query Interface

local db = require("lapis.db")
db = require "lapis.db"

The db module provides the following functions:

query(query, params...)

Performs a raw query. Returns the result set if successful, returns nil if failed.

The first argument is the query to perform. If the query contains any ?s then they are replaced in the order they appear with the remaining arguments. The remaining arguments are escaped with escape_literal before being interpolated, making SQL injection impossible.

local res

res = db.query("SELECT * FROM hello")
res = db.query("UPDATE things SET color = ?", "blue")
res = db.query("INSERT INTO cats (age, name, alive) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", 25, "dogman", true)
res = db.query "SELECT * FROM hello"
res = db.query "UPDATE things SET color = ?", "blue"
res = db.query "INSERT INTO cats (age, name, alive) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", 25, "dogman", true
UPDATE things SET color = 'blue'
INSERT INTO cats (age, name, alive) VALUES (25, 'dogman', TRUE)

A query that fails to execute will raise a Lua error. The error will contain the message from PostgreSQL along with the query.

select(query, params...)

The same as query except it appends "SELECT" to the front of the query.

local res = db.select("* from hello where active = ?", db.FALSE)
res = db.select "* from hello where active = ?", db.FALSE
SELECT * from hello where active = FALSE

insert(table, values, returning...)

Inserts a row into table. values is a Lua table of column names and values.

db.insert("my_table", {
  age = 10,
  name = "Hello World"
db.insert "my_table", {
  age: 10
  name: "Hello World"
INSERT INTO "my_table" ("age", "name") VALUES (10, 'Hello World')

A list of column names to be returned can be given after the value table:

local res = db.insert("some_other_table", {
  name = "Hello World"
}, "id")
res = db.insert "some_other_table", {
  name: "Hello World"
}, "id"
INSERT INTO "some_other_table" ("name") VALUES ('Hello World') RETURNING "id"

update(table, values, conditions, params...)

Updates table with values on all rows that match conditions.

db.update("the_table", {
  name = "Dogbert 2.0",
  active = true
}, {
  id = 100
db.update "the_table", {
  name: "Dogbert 2.0"
  active: true
}, {
  id: 100
UPDATE "the_table" SET "name" = 'Dogbert 2.0', "active" = TRUE WHERE "id" = 100

conditions can also be a string, and params will be interpolated into it:

db.update("the_table", {
  count = db.raw("count + 1")
}, "count < ?", 10)
db.update "the_table", {
  count: db.raw"count + 1"
}, "count < ?", 10
UPDATE "the_table" SET "count" = count + 1 WHERE count < 10

delete(table, conditions, params...)

Deletes rows from table that match conditions.

db.delete("cats", { name: "Roo"})
db.delete "cats", name: "Roo"
DELETE FROM "cats" WHERE "name" = 'Roo'

conditions can also be a string

db.delete("cats", "name = ?", "Gato")
db.delete "cats", "name = ?", "Gato"
DELETE FROM "cats" WHERE name = 'Gato'


Returns a special value that will be inserted verbatim into the query without being escaped:

db.update("the_table", {
  count = db.raw("count + 1")

db.select("* from another_table where x = ?", db.raw("now()"))
db.update "the_table", {
  count: db.raw"count + 1"

db.select "* from another_table where x = ?", db.raw"now()"
UPDATE "the_table" SET "count" = count + 1
SELECT * from another_table where x = now()


Escapes a value for use in a query. A value is any type that can be stored in a column. Numbers, strings, and booleans will be escaped accordingly.

local escaped = db.escape_literal(value)
local res = db.query("select * from hello where id = " .. escaped")
escaped = db.escape_literal value
res = db.query "select * from hello where id = #{escaped}"

escape_literal is not appropriate for escaping column or table names. See escape_identifier.


Escapes a string for use in a query as an identifier. An identifier is a column or table name.

local table_name = db.escape_identifier("table")
local res = db.query("select * from " .. table_name)
table_name = db.escape_identifier "table"
res = db.query "select * from #{table_name}"

escape_identifier is not appropriate for escaping values. See escape_literal for escaping values.


The following constants are also available:

  • NULL – represents NULL in SQL
  • TRUE – represents TRUE in SQL
  • FALSE – represents FALSE in SQL
db.update("the_table", {
  name = db.NULL
db.update "the_table", {
  name: db.NULL


Lapis provides a Model base class for making Lua tables that can be synchronized with a database row. The class is used to represent a single database table, an instance of the class is used to represent a single row of that table.

The most primitive model is a blank model:

local Model = require("lapis.db.model").Model

local Users = Model:extend("users")
import Model from require "lapis.db.model"

class Users extends Model
class Users extends Model
  @table_name: => "active_users"

Primary Keys

By default all models have the primary key “id”. This can be changed by setting the @primary_keyself.primary_key class variable.

local Users = Model:extend("users", {
  primary_key = "login"
class Users extends Model
  @primary_key: "login"

If there are multiple primary keys then an array table can be used:

local Followings = Model:extend("followings", {
  primary_key = { "user_id", "followed_user_id" }
class Followings extends Model
  @primary_key: { "user_id", "followed_user_id" }

Finding a Row

For the following examples assume we have the following models:

local Model = require("lapis.db.model").Model

local Users = Model:extend("users")

local Tags = Model:extend("tags", {
  primary_key = {"user_id", "tag"}
import Model from require "lapis.db.model"

class Users extends Model

class Tags extends Model
  @primary_key: {"user_id", "tag"}

When you want to find a single row the find class method is used. In the first form it takes a variable number of values, one for each primary key in the order the primary keys are specified:

local user = Users:find(23232)
local tag = Tags:find(1234, "programmer")
user = Users\find 23232
tag = Tags\find 1234, "programmer"
SELECT * from "users" where "id" = 23232 limit 1
SELECT * from "tags" where "user_id" = 1234 and "tag" = 'programmer' limit 1

find returns an instance of the model. In the case of the user, if there was a name column, then we could access the users name with user.name.

We can also pass a table as an argument to find. The table will be converted to a WHERE clause in the query:

local user = Users:find({ email = "person@example.com" })
user = Users\find email: "person@example.com"
SELECT * from "users" where "email" = 'person@example.com' limit 1

Finding Many Rows

When searching for multiple rows the select class method is used. It works similarly to the select function from the raw query interface except you specify the part of the query after the list of columns to select.

local tags = Tags:select("where tag = ?", "merchant")
tags = Tags\select "where tag = ?", "merchant"
SELECT * from "tags" where tag = 'merchant'

Instead of a single instance, an array table of instances is returned.

If you want to restrict which columns are selected you can pass in a table as the last argument with the fields key set:

local tags = Tags:select("where tag = ?", "merchant", { fields = "created_at as c" })
tags = Tags\select "where tag = ?", "merchant", fields: "created_at as c"
SELECT created_at as c from "tags" where tag = 'merchant'

Alternatively if you want to find many rows by their primary key you can use the find_all method. It takes an array table of primary keys. This method only works on tables that have singular primary keys.

local users = Users:find_all({ 1,2,3,4,5 })
users = Users\find_all { 1,2,3,4,5 }
SELECT * from "users" where "id" in (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

If you need to find many rows for another column other than the primary key you can pass in the optional second argument:

local users = UserProfile:find_all({ 1,2,3,4,5 }, "user_id")
users = UserProfile\find_all { 1,2,3,4,5 }, "user_id"
SELECT * from "UserProfile" where "user_id" in (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

The second argument can also be a table of options. The following properties are supported:

  • key – Specify the column name to find by, same effect as passing in a string as the second argument
  • fields – Comma separated list of column names to fetch instead of the default *
  • where – A table of additional where clauses for the query

For example:

local users = UserProfile:find_all({1,2,3,4}, {
  key = "user_id",
  fields = "user_id, twitter_account",
  where = {
    public = true
users = UserProfile\find_all {1,2,3,4}, {
  key: "user_id"
  fields: "user_id, twitter_account"
  where: {
    public: true
SELECT user_id, twitter_account from "things" where "user_id" in (1, 2, 3, 4) and "public" = TRUE

Inserting Rows

The create class method is used to create new rows. It takes a table of column values to create the row with. It returns an instance of the model. The create query fetches the values of the primary keys and sets them on the instance using the PostgreSQL RETURN statement. This is useful for getting the value of an auto-incrementing key from the insert statement.

local user = Users:create({
  login = "superuser",
  password = "1234"
user = Users\create {
  login: "superuser"
  password: "1234"
INSERT INTO "users" ("password", "login") VALUES ('1234', 'superuser') RETURNING "id"

Updating a Row

Instances of models have the update method for updating the row. The values of the primary keys are used to uniquely identify the row for updating.

The first form of update takes variable arguments. A list of strings that represent column names to be updated. The values of the columns are taken from the current values in the instance.

local user = Users:find(1)
user.login = "uberuser"
user.email = "admin@example.com"
user:update("login", "email")
user = Users\find 1
user.login = "uberuser"
user.email = "admin@example.com"

user\update "login", "email"
UPDATE "users" SET "login" = 'uberuser', "email" = 'admin@example.com' WHERE "id" = 1

Alternatively we can pass a table as the first argument of update. The keys of the table are the column names, and the values are the values to update the columns with. The instance is also updated. We can rewrite the above example as:

local user = Users:find(1)
  login = "uberuser",
  email = "admin@example.com",
user = Users\find 1
user\update {
  login: "uberuser"
  email: "admin@example.com"
UPDATE "users" SET "login" = 'uberuser', "email" = 'admin@example.com' WHERE "id" = 1

The table argument can also take positional values, which are treated the same as the variable argument form.

Deleting a Row

Just call delete on the instance:

local user = Users:find(1)
user = Users\find 1
DELETE FROM "users" WHERE "id" = 1


Because it’s common to store creation and update times, models have support for managing these columns automatically.

When creating your table make sure your table has the following columns:

  "created_at" timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
  "updated_at" timestamp without time zone NOT NULL

Then define your model with the @timestamp class variabletimestamp property set to true:

local Users = Model:extend("users", {
  timestamp = true
class Users extends Model
  @timestamp: true

Whenever create and update are called the appropriate timestamp column will also be set.

You can disable the timestamp from being updated on an update by passing a final table argument setting timestamp: falsetimestamp = false:

local Users = Model:extend("users", {
  timestamp = true

local user = Users:find(1)

-- first form
user:update({ name = "hello world" }, { timestamp = false })

-- second form
user.name = "hello world"
user.age = 123
user:update("name", "age", { timestamp = false})
class Users extends Model
  @timestamp: true

user = Users\find 1

-- first form
user\update { name: "hello world" }, { timestamp: false }

-- second form
user.name = "hello world"
user.age = 123
user\update "name", "age", timestamp: false

Preloading Associations

A common pitfall when using active record type systems is triggering many queries inside of a loop. In order to avoid situations like this you should load data for as many objects as possible in a single query before looping over the data.

We’ll need some models to demonstrate: (The columns are annotated in a comment above the model).

local Model = require("lapis.db.model").Model

-- table with columns: id, name
local Users = Model:extend("users")
local Posts = Model:extend("posts")
import Model from require "lapis.db.model"

-- table with columns: id, name
class Users extends Model

-- table with columns: id, user_id, text_content
class Posts extends Model

Given all the posts, we want to find the user for each post. We use the include_in class method to include instances of that model in the array of model instances passed to it.

local posts = Posts:select() -- this gets all the posts
Users:include_in(posts, "user_id")

print(posts[1].user.name) -- print the fetched data
posts = Posts\select! -- this gets all the posts

Users\include_in posts, "user_id"

print posts[1].user.name -- print the fetched data
SELECT * from "posts"
SELECT * from "users" where "id" in (1,2,3,4,5,6)

Each post instance is mutated to have a user property assigned to it with an instance of the Users model. The first argument of include_in is the array table of model instances. The second argument is the column name of the foreign key found in the array of model instances that maps to the primary key of the class calling the include_in.

The name of the inserted property is derived from the name of the foreign key. In this case, user was derived from the foreign key user_id. If we want to manually specify the name we can do something like this:

Users:include_in(posts, "user_id", { as: "author" })
Users\include_in posts, "user_id", as: "author"

Now all the posts will contain a property named author with an instance of the Users model.

Sometimes the relationship is flipped. Instead of the list of model instances having the foreign key column, the model we want to include might have it. This is common in one-to-one relationships.

Here’s another set of example models:

local Model = require("lapis.db.model").Model

-- table with columns: id, name
local Users = Model:extend("users")

-- table with columns: user_id, twitter_account, facebook_username
local UserData = Model:extend("user_data")
import Model from require "lapis.db.model"

-- columns: id, name
class Users extends Model

-- columns: user_id, twitter_account, facebook_username
class UserData extends Model

Now let’s say we have a collection of users and we want to fetch the associated user data:

local users = Users:select()
UserData:include_in(users, "user_id", { flip: true })

users = Users\select!
UserData\include_in users, "user_id", flip: true

print users[1].user_data.twitter_account
SELECT * from "user_data" where "user_id" in (1,2,3,4,5,6)

In this example we set the flip option to true in the include_in method. This causes the search to happen against our foreign key, and the ids to be pulled from the id of the array of model instances.

Additionally, the derived property name that is injected into the model instances is created from the name of the included table. In the example above the user_data property contains the included model instances. (Had it been plural the table name would have been made singular)


Often before we insert or update a row we want to check that some conditions are met. In Lapis these are called constraints. For example let’s say we have a user model and users are not allowed to have the name “admin”.

We might define it like this:

local Model = require("lapis.db.model").Model

local Users = Model:extend("users", {
  constraints = {
    name = function(self, value)
      if value:lower() == "admin"
        return "User can not be named admin"

  name = "Admin"
import Model from require "lapis.db.models"

class Users extends Model
  @constraints: {
    name: (value) =>
      if value\lower! == "admin"
        "User can not be named admin"

assert Users\create {
  name: "Admin"

The @constraints class variableconstraints property is a table that maps column name to a function that should check if the constraint is broken. If anything truthy is returned from the function then the update/insert fails, and that is returned as the error message.

In the example above, the call to assert will fail with the error "User can not be named admin".

The constraint check function is passed 4 arguments. The model class, the value of the column being checked, the name of the column being checked, and lastly the object being checked. On insertion the object is the table passed to the create method. On update the object is the instance of the model.


Using the paginated method on models we can easily paginate through a query that might otherwise return many results. The arguments are the same as the select method but instead of the result it returns a special Paginator object.

For example, say we have the following table and model: (For documentation on creating tables see the next section)

create_table("users", {
  { "id", types.serial },
  { "name", types.varchar },
  { "group_id", types.foreign_key },


local Users = Model:extend("users")
create_table "users", {
  { "id", types.serial }
  { "name", types.varchar }
  { "group_id", types.foreign_key }


class Users extends Model

We can create a paginator like so:

local paginated = Users:paginated("where group_id = ? order by name asc", 123)
paginated = Users\paginated [[where group_id = ? order by name asc]], 123

A paginator can be configured by passing a table as the last argument. The following options are supported:

per_page: sets the number of items per page

local paginated_alt = Users:paginated("where group_id = ?", 4, { per_page = 100 })
paginated_alt = Users\paginated [[where group_id = ?]], 4, per_page: 100

prepare_results: a function that is passed the results of get_page and get_all for processing before they are returned. This is useful for bundling preloading information into the paginator. The prepare function takes 1 argument, the results, and it must return the results after they have been processed:

local preloaded = Posts:paginated("where category = ?", "cats", {
  per_page = 10,
  prepare_results = function(posts)
    Users:include_in(posts, "user_id")
    return posts
preloaded = Posts\paginated [[where category = ?]], "cats", {
  per_page: 10
  prepare_results: (posts) ->
    Users\include_in posts, "user_id"

Any additional options sent to paginated are passed directly to the underlying select method call when a page is loaded. For example you can provide a fields option in order to limit the fields returned by a page.

The paginator has the following methods:


Gets all the items that the query can return, is the same as calling the select method directly. Returns an array table of model instances.

local users = paginated:get_all()
users = paginated\get_all!
SELECT * from "users" where group_id = 123 order by name asc


Gets page_numth page, where pages are 1 indexed. The number of items per page is controlled by the per_page option, and defaults to 10. Returns an array table of model instances.

local page1 = paginated:get_page(1)
local page6 = paginated:get_page(6)
page1 = paginated\get_page 1
page6 = paginated\get_page 6
SELECT * from "users" where group_id = 123 order by name asc limit 10 offset 0
SELECT * from "users" where group_id = 123 order by name asc limit 10 offset 50


Returns the total number of pages.


Gets the total number of items that can be returned. The paginator will parse the query and remove all clauses except for the WHERE when issuing a COUNT.

local users = paginated:total_items()
users = paginated\total_items!
SELECT COUNT(*) as c from "users" where group_id = 123


Returns an iterator function that can be used to iterate through each page of the results. Useful for processing a large query without having the entire result set loaded in memory at once.

for page_results, page_num in paginated:each_page() do
  print(page_results, page_num)
for page_results, page_num in paginated\each_page!
  print(page_results, page_num)

Finding Columns

You can get the column names and column types of a table using the columns method on the model class:

local Posts = Model:extend("posts")
for _, col in ipairs(Posts:columns) do
  print(col.column_name, col.data_type)
class Posts extends Model

for {column_name, data_type} in Posts\columns!
  print column_name, data_type
SELECT column_name, data_type
  FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name = 'posts'

Refreshing a Model Instance

If your model instance becomes out of date from an external change, it can tell it to re-fetch and re-populate it’s data using the refresh method.

class Posts extends Model
post = Posts\find 1
local Posts = Model:extend("posts")
local post = Posts:find(1)
SELECT * from "posts" where id = 1

By default all fields are refreshed. If you only want to refresh specific fields then pass them in as arguments:

class Posts extends Model
post = Posts\find 1
post\refresh "color", "height"
local Posts = Model:extend("posts")
local post = Posts:find(1)
post:refresh("color", "height")
SELECT "color", "height" from "posts" where id = 1

Database Schemas

Lapis comes with a collection of tools for creating your database schema inside of the lapis.db.schema module.

Creating and Dropping Tables

create_table(table_name, { table_declarations... })

The first argument to create_table is the name of the table and the second argument is an array table that describes the table.

local schema = require("lapis.db.schema")

local types = schema.types

schema.create_table("users", {
  {"id", types.serial},
  {"username", types.varchar},

  "PRIMARY KEY (id)"
schema = require "lapis.db.schema"

import create_table, types from schema

create_table "users", {
  {"id", types.serial}
  {"username", types.varchar}

  "PRIMARY KEY (id)"

This will generate the following SQL:

  "id" serial NOT NULL,
  "username" character varying(255) NOT NULL,

The items in the second argument to create_table can either be a table, or a string. When the value is a table it is treated as a column/type tuple:

{ column_name, column_type }

They are both plain strings. The column name will be escaped automatically. The column type will be inserted verbatim after it is passed through tostring. schema.types has a collection of common types that can be used. For example, schema.types.varchar evaluates to character varying(255) NOT NULL. See more about types below.

If the value to the second argument is a string then it is inserted directly into the CREATE TABLE statement, that’s how we create the primary key above.


Drops a table.

import drop_table from schema

drop_table "users"


create_index(table_name, col1, col2..., [options])

create_index is used to add new indexes to a table. The first argument is a table, the rest of the arguments are the ordered columns that make up the index. Optionally the last argument can be a Lua table of options.

There are two options unique: BOOL, where: clause_string.

create_index will also check if the index exists before attempting to create it. If the index exists then nothing will happen.

Here are some example indexes:

local create_index = schema.create_index

create_index("users", "created_at")
create_index("users", "username", { unique = true })

create_index("posts", "category", "title")
create_index("uploads", "name", { where = "not deleted" })
import create_index from schema

create_index "users", "created_at"
create_index "users", "username", unique: true

create_index "posts", "category", "title"
create_index "uploads", "name", where: "not deleted"

This will generate the following SQL:

CREATE INDEX ON "users" (created_at);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON "users" (username);
CREATE INDEX ON "posts" (category, title);
CREATE INDEX ON "uploads" (name) WHERE not deleted;

drop_index(table_name, col1, col2...)

Drops an index from a table. It calculates the name of the index from the table name and columns. This is the same as the default index name generated by PostgreSQL.

local drop_index = schema.drop_index

drop_index("users", "created_at")
drop_index("posts", "title", "published")
import drop_index from schema

drop_index "users", "created_at"
drop_index "posts", "title", "published"

This will generate the following SQL:

DROP INDEX IF EXISTS "users_created_at_idx"
DROP INDEX IF EXISTS "posts_title_published_idx"

Altering Tables

add_column(table_name, column_name, column_type)

Adds a column to a table.

schema.add_column("users", "age", types.integer)
import add_column, types from schema

add_column "users", "age", types.integer

Generates the SQL:


drop_column(table_name, column_name)

Removes a column from a table.

schema.drop_column("users", "age")
import drop_column from schema

drop_column "users", "age"

Generates the SQL:


rename_column(table_name, old_name, new_name)

Changes the name of a column.

schema.rename_column("users", "age", "lifespan")
import rename_column from schema

rename_column "users", "age", "lifespan"

Generates the SQL:

ALTER TABLE "users" RENAME COLUMN "age" TO "lifespan"

rename_table(old_name, new_name)

Changes the name of a table.

schema.rename_table("users", "members")
import rename_table from schema

rename_table "users", "members"

Generates the SQL:

ALTER TABLE "users" RENAME TO "members"

Column Types

All of the column type generators are stored in schema.types. All the types are special objects that can either be turned into a type declaration string with tostring, or called like a function to be customized.

Here are all the default values:

local types = require("lapis.db.schema").types

types.boolean       --> boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE
types.date          --> date NOT NULL
types.double        --> double precision NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
types.foreign_key   --> integer NOT NULL
types.integer       --> integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
types.numeric       --> numeric NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
types.real          --> real NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
types.serial        --> serial NOT NULL
types.text          --> text NOT NULL
types.time          --> timestamp without time zone NOT NULL
types.varchar       --> character varying(255) NOT NULL
import types from require "lapis.db.schema"

types.boolean       --> boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE
types.date          --> date NOT NULL
types.double        --> double precision NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
types.foreign_key   --> integer NOT NULL
types.integer       --> integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
types.numeric       --> numeric NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
types.real          --> real NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
types.serial        --> serial NOT NULL
types.text          --> text NOT NULL
types.time          --> timestamp without time zone NOT NULL
types.varchar       --> character varying(255) NOT NULL

You’ll notice everything is NOT NULL by default, and the numeric types have defaults of 0 and boolean false.

When a type is called like a function it takes one argument, a table of options. The options include:

  • default: value – sets default value
  • null: boolean – determines if the column is NOT NULL
  • unique: boolean – determines if the column has a unique index
  • primary_key: boolean – determines if the column is the primary key

Here are some examples:

types.integer({ default = 1, null = true })  --> integer DEFAULT 1
types.integer({ primary_key = true })        --> integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 PRIMARY KEY
types.text({ null = true })                  --> text
types.varchar({ primary_key = true })        --> character varying(255) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY
types.integer default: 1, null: true  --> integer DEFAULT 1
types.integer primary_key: true       --> integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 PRIMARY KEY
types.text null: true                 --> text
types.varchar primary_key: true       --> character varying(255) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY

Database Migrations

Because requirements typically change over the lifespan of a web application it’s useful to have a system to make incremental schema changes to the database.

We define migrations in our code as a table of functions where the key of each function in the table is the name of the migration. You are free to name the migrations anything but it’s suggested to give them Unix timestamps as names:

local schema = require("lapis.db.schema")

return {
  [1368686109] = function()
    schema.add_column("my_table", "hello", schema.types.integer)

  [1368686843] = function()
    schema.create_index("my_table", "hello")
import add_column, create_index, types from require "lapis.db.schema"

  [1368686109]: =>
    add_column "my_table", "hello", types.integer

  [1368686843]: =>
    create_index "my_table", "hello"

A migration function is a plain function. Generally they will call the schema functions described above, but they don’t have to.

Only the functions that haven’t already been executed will be called when we tell our migrations to run. The migrations that have already been run are stored in the migrations table, a database table that holds the names of the migrations that have already been run. Migrations are run in the order of their keys sorted ascending.

Running Migrations

The Lapis command line tool has a special command for running migrations. It’s called lapis migrate.

This command expects a module called migrations that returns a table of migrations in the format described above.

Let’s create this file with a single migration as an example.

-- migrations.lua

local schema = require("lapis.db.schema")
local types = schema.types

return {
  [1] = function()
    schema.create_table("articles", {
      { "id", types.serial },
      { "title", types.text },
      { "content", types.text },

      "PRIMARY KEY (id)"
-- migrations.moon

import create_table, types from require "lapis.db.schema"

  [1]: =>
    create_table "articles", {
      { "id", types.serial }
      { "title", types.text }
      { "content", types.text }

      "PRIMARY KEY (id)"

After creating the file, ensure that it is compiled to Lua and run lapis migrate. The command will first create the migrations table if it doesn’t exist yet then it will run every migration that hasn’t been executed yet.

Read more about the migrate command.

Manually Running Migrations

We can manually create the migrations table using the following code:

local migrations = require("lapis.db.migrations")
migrations = require "lapis.db.migrations"

It will execute the following SQL:

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "lapis_migrations" (
  "name" character varying(255) NOT NULL,

Then we can manually run migrations with the following code:

local migrations = require("lapis.db.migrations")
import run_migrations from require "lapis.db.migrations"
run_migrations require "migrations"

HTML Generation

This guide is focused on using builder syntax in Lua/MoonScript to generate HTML. If you’re interested in a more traditional templating system see the etlua Templates guide.

HTML In Actions

If we want to generate HTML directly in our action we can use the @html method:

"/": =>
  @html ->
    h1 class: "header", "Hello"
    div class: "body", ->
      text "Welcome to my site!"

HTML templates can be written directly as MoonScript (or Lua) code. This is a very powerful feature (inspired by Erector) that gives us the ability to write templates with high composability and also all the features of MoonScript. No need to learn any goofy templating syntax with arbitrary restrictions.

The @html method overrides the environment of the function passed to it. Functions that create HTML tags are generated on the fly as you call them. The output of these functions is written into a buffer that is compiled in the end and returned as the result of the action.

Here are some examples of the HTML generation:

div!                -- <div></div>
b "Hello World"     -- <b>Hello World</b>
div "hi<br/>"       -- <div>hi&lt;br/&gt;</div>
text "Hi!"          -- Hi!
raw "<br/>"         -- <br/>

element "table", width: "100%", ->  -- <table width="100%"></table>

div class: "footer", "The Foot"     -- <div class="footer">The Foot</div>

div ->                              -- <div>Hey</div>
  text "Hey"

div class: "header", ->             -- <div class="header"><h2>My Site</h2>
  h2 "My Site"                      --    <p>Welcome!</p></div>
  p "Welcome!"

The element function is a special builder that takes the name of tag to generate as the first argument followed by any attributes and content.

The HTML builder methods have lower precedence than any existing variables, so if you have a variable named div and you want to make a <div> tag you’ll need to call element "div".

If you want to create a <table> or <select> tag you’ll need to use element because Lua uses those names in the built-in modules.

HTML Widgets

The preferred way to write HTML is through widgets. Widgets are classes who are only concerned with outputting HTML. They use the same syntax as the @html helper shown above for writing HTML.

When Lapis loads a widget automatically it does it by package name. For example, if it was loading the widget for the name "index" it would try to load the module views.index, and the result of that module should be the widget.

This is what a widget looks like:

-- views/index.moon
import Widget from require "lapis.html"

class Index extends Widget
  content: =>
    h1 class: "header", "Hello"
    div class: "body", ->
      text "Welcome to my site!"

The name of the widget class is insignificant, but it’s worth making one because some systems can auto-generate encapsulating HTML named after the class.

Rendering A Widget From An Action

The render option key is used to render a widget. For example you can render the "index" widget from our action by returning a table with render set to the name of the widget:

"/": =>
  render: "index"

If the action has a name, then we can set render to true to load the widget with the same name as the action:

[index: "/"]: =>
  render: true

By default views. is appended to the front of the widget name and then loaded using Lua’s require function. The views prefix can be customized by overwriting the views_prefix member of your application subclass:

class Application extends lapis.Application
  views_prefix: "app_views"

  -- will use "app_views.home" as the view
  [home: "/home"]: => render: true

Passing Data To A Widget

Any @ variables set in the action can be accessed in the widget. Additionally any of the helper functions like @url_for are also accessible.

-- web.moon
[index: "/"]: =>
  @page_title = "Welcome To My Page"
  render: true
-- views/index.moon
import Widget from require "lapis.html"

class Index extends Widget
  content: =>
    h1 class: "header", @page_title
    div class: "body", ->
      text "Welcome to my site!"

Rendering Widgets Manually

Widgets can also be rendered manually by instantiating them and calling the render method.

Index = require "views.index"

widget = Index page_title: "Hello World"
print widget\render_to_string!

If you want to use helpers like @url_for you also need to include them in the widget instance. Any object can be included as a helper, and it’s methods will be made available inside of the widget.

html = require "lapis.html"
class SomeWidget extends html.Widget
  content: =>
    a href: @url_for("test"), "Test Page"

class extends lapis.Application
  [test: "/test_render"]: =>
    widget = SomeWidget!
    widget\include_helper @

You should avoid rendering widgets manually when possible. When in an action use the render request option. When in another widget use the widget helper function.


Whenever an action is rendered normally the result is inserted into the current layout. The layout is just another widget, but it is used across many pages. Typically this is where you would put your <html> and <head> tags.

Lapis comes with a default layout that looks like this:

html = require "lapis.html"

class DefaultLayout extends html.Widget
  content: =>
    html_5 ->
      head -> title @title or "Lapis Page"
      body -> @content_for "inner"

Use this as a starting point for creating your own layout. The content of your page will be injected in the location of the call to @content_for "inner".

We can specify the layout for an entire application or specify it for a specific action. For example, if we have our new layout in views/my_layout.moon

class extends lapis.Application
  layout: require "views.my_layout"

If we want to set the layout for a specific action we can provide it as part of the action’s return value.

class extends lapis.Application
  -- the following two have the same effect
  "/home1": =>
    layout: "my_layout"

  "/home2": =>
    layout: require "views.my_layout"

  -- this doesn't use a layout at all
  "/no_layout": =>
    layout: false, "No layout rendered!"

As demonstrated in the example, passing false will prevent any layout from being rendered.

Widget Methods


Class method that copies the methods from another class into this widget. Useful for mixin in shared functionality across multiple widgets.

class MyHelpers
  item_list: (items) =>
    ul ->
      for item in *items
        li item

class SomeWidget extends html.Widget
  @include MyHelpers

  content: =>
    @item_list {"hello", "world"}

@content_for(name, [content])

content_for is used for sending HTML or strings from the view to the layout. You’ve probably already seen @content_for "inner" if you’ve looked at layouts. By default the content of the view is placed in the content block called "inner".

You can create arbitrary content blocks from the view by calling @content_for with a name and some content:

class MyView extends Widget
  content: =>
    @content_for "title", "This is the title of my page!"

    @content_for "footer", ->
      div class: "custom_footer", "The Footer"

You can use either strings or builder functions as the content.

To access the content from the layout call @content_for without the content argument:

class MyLayout extends Widget
  content: =>
    html ->
      body ->
        div class: "title", ->
          @content_for "title"

        @content_for "inner"
        @content_for "footer"

If a string is used as the value of a content block then it will be escaped before written to the buffer. If you want to insert a raw string then you can use a builder function in conjunction with the raw function:

@content_for "footer", ->
  raw "<pre>this wont' be escaped</pre>"


Checks to see if content for name is set.

class MyView extends Widget
  content: =>
    if @has_content_for "things"
      @content_for "things"
      div ->
        text "default content"

HTML Module

html = require "lapis.html"


Runs the function, fn in the HTML rendering context as described above. Returns the resulting HTML. The HTML context will automatically convert any reference to an undefined global variable into a function that will render the appropriate tag.

import render_html from require "lapis.html"

print render_html ->
  div class: "item", ->
    strong "Hello!"


Escapes any HTML special characters in the string. The following are escaped:

  • &&amp;
  • <&lt;
  • >&gt;
  • "&quot;
  • '&#039;