title: Creating a Lapis Application with MoonScript

Creating a Lapis Application with MoonScript

Creating a Basic Application

You can start a new MoonScript project in the current directory by running the following command:

$ lapis new

This provides us with a default Nginx configuration, nginx.conf, and a skeleton application, app.moon. The skeleton application looks like this:

-- app.moon
lapis = require "lapis"

class extends lapis.Application
  "/": =>
    "Welcome to Lapis #{require "lapis.version"}!"

This defines a regular Lua module that returns out application class. (Implicit return in MoonScript states that the last statement in a block of code is the return value.)

Don’t forget to compile the .moon files when changing and creating them. You can watch the current directory and compile automatically with moonc -w.

Try it out by starting the server:

lapis server

If you’ve compiled the .moon file then http://localhost:8080 will display the page.

The members of the application class make up the patterns that can be matched by incoming requests. This is referred to as the route and the action, where the route is the pattern and the action is the function that handles the matching route. In this example, the route "/" is matched to a function that returns "Hello World!"

The return value of an action determines what is written as the response. In the simplest form we can return a string in order to write a string.

Learn more about routes and actions and the return value in the Routes and Actions guide.

Lapis Applications

When we refer to a Lapis application we are talking about a class that extends from lapis.Application. The properties of the application make up the routes the application can serve and the actions it will perform.

If a property name is a string and begins with a "/" or the property is a table then it defines a route. All other properties are methods of the application.

Request Parameters

Routes can contain special patterns that match parts of the URL and put them into a request parameter.

Named parameters are a : followed by a name. They match all characters excluding /.

class extends lapis.Application
  "/user/:name": => "Hello #{@params.name}"

If we were to go to the path "/user/leaf", @params.name would be set to "leaf".

@params holds all the parameters to the action. This is a concatenation of the URL parameters, the GET parameters and the POST parameters.

A splat will match all characters and is represented with a *. Splats are not named. The value of the splat is placed into @params.splat

"/things/*": => "Rest of the url: #{@params.splat}"

Learn more about where parameters come from in the Request Object guide.

The Action

The action is the function called in response to a route matching the path of a request. Actions are written with the fat arrow, =>, so you might think that self is an instance of application. It’s actually an instance of Request, a class that’s used to represent the current request.

As we’ve already seen, the request holds all the parameters in @params.

We can the get the distinct parameters types using @GET, @POST, and @url_params.

We can also access the instance of the application with @app, and the raw request and response with @req and @res.

You should treat @app as read only because the instance is shared among many requests.

Learn more about the request object in the Request Object guide.

Named Routes

It’s useful to give names to your routes so links to other pages can be generated just by knowing the name of the page instead of hard-coding the structure of the URL

If the route of the action is a table with a single pair, then the key of that table is the name and the value is the pattern. MoonScript gives us convenient syntax for representing this:

class extends lapis.Application
  [index: "/"]: =>
    @url_for "user_profile", name: "leaf"

  [user_profile: "/user/:name"]: =>
    "Hello #{@params.name}, go home: #{@url_for "index"}"

We can generate the paths to various actions using @url_for. The first argument is the name of the route, and the second optional argument is a table of values to fill a parameterized route with.

Before Filters

Sometimes you want a piece of code to run before every action. A good example of this is setting up the user session. We can declare a before filter, or a function that runs before every action, like so:

lapis = require "lapis"

class App extends lapis.Application
  @before_filter =>
    if @session.user
      @current_user = load_user @session.user

  "/": =>
    "current user is: #{@current_user}"

You are free to add as many as you like by calling @before_filter multiple times. They will be run in the order they are registered.

If a before filter calls the @write method then the action will be canceled. For example we can cancel the action and redirect to another page if some condition is not met:

lapis = require "lapis"

class App extends lapis.Application
  @before_filter =>
    unless user_meets_requirements!
      @write redirect_to: @url_for "login"

  "/": =>
    "Welcome to the page"

@write is what handles the return value of an action, so the same things you can return in an action can be passed to @write

Handling HTTP verbs

It’s common to have a single action do different things depending on the HTTP verb. Lapis comes with some helpers to make writing these actions simple. respond_to takes a table indexed by HTTP verb with a value of the function to perform when the action receives that verb.

lapis = require "lapis"
import respond_to from require "lapis.application"

class App extends lapis.Application
  [create_account: "/create_account"]: respond_to {
    GET: => render: true

    POST: =>
      create_user @params
      redirect_to: @url_for "index"

respond_to can also take a before filter of its own that will run before the corresponding HTTP verb action. We do this by specifying a before function. The same semantics of before filters apply, so if you call @write then the rest of the action will not get run.

lapis = require "lapis"

class App extends lapis.Application
  "/edit_user/:id": respond_to {
    before: =>
      @user = Users\find @params.id
      @write status: 404, "Not Found" unless @user

    GET: =>
      "Welcome " .. @user.name

    POST: =>
      @user\update @params.user
      redirect_to: @url_for "index"


As your web application becomes more complex it helps to break it apart into multiple sub-applications. Lapis doesn’t place any rules on how you divide your application, instead it facilities the combination of applications.

@include(other_application, [opts])

Let’s say we’ve got a separate application for handling users:

-- applications/users.moon
lapis = require "lapis"

class UsersApplication extends lapis.Application
  [login: "/login"]: do_login!
  [logout: "/logout"]: do_logout!

We can include this application into our main one:

-- app.moon
lapis = require "lapis"

class extends lapis.Application
  @include "applications.users"

  [index: "/"]: =>
    @html ->
      a href: @url_for("login"), "Log in"

In this example applications/user.moon is a module that returns the sub-application. The include class method is used to load this application into our root one. include copies all the routes of the other application, leaving the original untouched.

Sub-applications are allowed to have before filters, and the before filters will only apply to all actions enclosed by the application.

A sub-application supports special path and name class values:

  • path – The patterns of the routes copied are prefixed with path
  • name – The names of all the routes copied are prefixed with name
class UsersApplication extends lapis.Application
  @path: "/users"
  @name: "user_"

  -- etc...

include takes an optional second argument, a table of options. The options can be used to provide or override the path and name values that might have been set in the application.

For example, we might prefix UsersApplication like so:

class extends lapis.Application
  @include "applications.users", path: "/users", name: "user_"

  "/": =>
    @url_for("user_login") -- returns "/users/login"

Class Methods


Returns the function of the action that has the name specified by action_name.