title: proxytunnel date: 2014-09-28 18:16:18 tags: proxy vps

Using proxytunnel to connect Digital Ocean Host

Enable 443 port on your Digitalocean droplet

In /etc/ssh/sshd_config, adding the 443 port support

Port 22
Port 443

Determing if your company proxy support https connect

proxytunnel -v -p proxy.company.com:80 -d yourdigitalocean.com:443

Make a script to run

echo For this to work, you must activate your digital ocean droplet
echo ------------------------------------------
echo Making changes to ~/.ssh/config
rm ~/.ssh/config
echo DynamicForward 1080 >> ~/.ssh/config
echo 'ProxyCommand proxytunnel -v -p proxy.company.com:80 -d %h:%p -H "User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Win32)\n"' >> ~/.ssh/config
echo ServerAliveInterval 30 >> ~/.ssh/config

echo Done editing proxytunnel config file
echo Start a tunnel through local net proxy to digital ocean 443 port
echo ------------------------------------------
echo Connecting to digital ocean 443 port
echo ------------------------------------------
ssh -p 443 root@yourdigitalocean.com
echo Deleting ~/.ssh/config
rm ~/.ssh/config